The Controversy Over Living

I truly do believe our lives are made up of many threads. Some are rather course and offer not much to the over all picture. Some are painful, difficult, some are stunningly beautiful, the point is, they all come together to make up the overall piece of art that is your life.

This blog will be more directed towards the fun, but today I'd like to ramble a moment on what is living?

I am criticized often over the past two years about being too focused on the tests and hurdles in my life and not simply living. I understand how my life looks from the outside, but the fact is, I'm in a season of change... it is a season and as you would most likely not wear your winter gear at the height of summer, I cannot spend the days of this season steeped in frivolity.

I am changing my entire life. That takes hard work, focus and dedication. It won't last forever and when I'm done, I believe I will have the kind of life I've always dreamed of. That for me is worth the sacrifice of some of lives moderate pleasures. I am not planning on living the rest of my days like this and though, yes, there is a school of thought that promotes all we have is now, if I truly believed that, I'd be at Disney right now and not giving two hoots about my future. Truth is, I'm planning on a long life and I'm planning now on making it a joyous one of abundance. Not one of lukewarm comforts.

Most don't seem to understand how much work it takes to change everything you've ever known or done. Most people don't even see the need, but I do. My life has always been, fine to meh. Without too much effort, I think just based on who I am now, I could easily hit content and nice... but I want more!

Shoot me, I'm greedy. :P

I want extraordinary and I'm not afraid to work for it. I do not see this lasting much past this coming year, I truly believe by the end of 2013, I will have so much of my life in place that I will be able to start pulling in more of the "fun" threads of my life, but that life I want, it requires sacrifice and I intend to give it such. You don't have to understand, you don't even have to support me, but please don't criticize my life choices for you have never walked in my shoes and you do not see my visions.

I'm taking my shot at an amazing life and I will do whatever I have to. If I fail, then I'll reevaluate, but I'm nowhere near the point of surrender! I'm just getting started and I've already changed so much and had so many successes, why on earth would I give up here?

I take each day as it comes right now. I try to love those I'm closest to, enlighten those who come my way, and embrace those who cross my path, even if just for a while. I take joy out of each experience and I do feel happiness in every day. The fact is though, that this life I've chosen, it's hard, I won't lie, but so what? There are far worse things in life than the things I'm struggling with and as I already said, when I make it, when I'm living my dream, every single drop of blood, sweat and tears shed will be so beyond worth it.

You don't have to understand, but please stop trying to get me to settle, because I'm one of those strange people created to be different, to explore, break through barriers and change the world. You can't stop me, so perhaps for a while, you could simply just sit back and watch. Who knows, maybe you'll get a new hunger for your own life in the process and we can change the world together!

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